Roche de Boeuf Festival

The Waterville Historical Society was a major participant in the town's festivities for RDB. In addition to historical figures tossing treats to children from a horse drawn trolley in the parade, a variety of activities were held on the River Road campuses.
Replicas of historic flags fluttered down River Road. Children were given chances to create their own punch tin designs. Docents, indoors and out of the museums shared vignettes of lives lived in the 1800's. Reenactors of 19th and 20th centuries set up camps on the lawns and artists sold their wares. Even the ghosts participated. A paranormal investigator shared some of his experiences of local sightings and held a search for spirits in the Robbins House in the evening.
Finally, trolley rides to the Waterville Interurban Bridge were available with master storyteller Jim Conrad on board to tell of the Bridge's involvement in Waterville history.