Waterville Historical Society

your connection to the past

The Waterville Historical Society collects, preserves, provides access to, interprets and fosters an appreciation of history that has an impact on the Waterville, Ohio and surrounding area.


March 14th is Pi Day

Hello fellow history buffs. It is Pi day, the 14th of March or 3-14. We celebrate that familiar little constant, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, which is 22 to 7. Theis divides out to 3.14…. to an infinite number of decimals, but 3.14 is adequate for most of us. We all learned this in school and sometimes actually use this little gem for some circular project. But why celebrate? Well it certainly is ancient, known to very early civilizations but mostly because Pi reminds us of pie, that delicious dessert that we all love and we can always use an excuse to celebrate that.

Historically, Waterville, by 1900 was surrounded by orchards, mostly apples but also cherries, pears and peaches. Our earliest Waterville Festival was the Apple Blossom Festival, held in the spring when apple trees were in bloom.  Many other fruits were also grown locally. All of these could be turned into delicious pies, so there were many celebrated pie bakers in our area. No threshing gang would have been complete without a hearty meal followed by a choice of delicious pie for dessert. While threshing gangs are no more, our love of pie remains. The choices of types of pie are huge. Besides all kinds of fruit we can choose cream pies, custard pies, crumb pies, etc. and if sweets are not your choice, choose savory pies like chicken pot pie or pizza pie, etc. So many choices! So let’s celebrate Pi day with some pie. Just make sure it is round and make the first cut on the diameter. Happy Pi/pie day all.

Note: Pi day was founded in the U.S. in 1988 and officially recognized by the U.S. House of Representatives in 2009. UNESCO General Conference designated Pi Day as the International Day of Mathematics in November of 2019.


All of us want to see our history preserved, especially our local history. There are a number of ways we can make this happen, most of which involve the donation of time, money or both. Here are some easy and painless ways to support local history.

1.      Donate part (or all) of your Ohio Income Tax refund to the Ohio History Fund. WHS has received three grants from this fund since 2021. Tax time is your time to support Ohio History! Did you know you can donate part of your Ohio income tax refund to the Ohio History Fund? It’s as simple as entering the donation amount on line 26 of Ohio Form IT1040. Line 26 asks “Amount of line 24 (refund) to be donated”. Choose “Ohio History Fund” from the six options presented and enter the amount there. In 2021 the Wakeman Building received $3867 for a new HVAC system from this fund. The Sargent House sill and beam project (2023-2024) was granted $18,000 toward this repair. The Wakeman Archives recently received $1150 to purchase scanning equipment for the glass and medium format negative digitization project. You can see these pictures on Ohio Memory at www.ohiomemory.org .

2.      Buy an Ohio History “Mastodon” license plate and $20 goes to the Ohio History Fund

3.      Become a member of the Waterville Historical Society. Your dues and donations support all of our preservation activities. You could also become a member and a volunteer. With four buildings to care for and maintain, lawn and garden work, and thousands of artifacts to care for, there is much work to do.

For more information about the Ohio History Fund, visit https://www.ohiohistory.org/preserving-ohio/ohio-history-fund-grant/.






Today we find coffee roasters and specialty coffee shops everywhere. It was not always so. Originally coffee beans were sold raw or green and the “lady of the house” would have to roast her own in frying pans. In 1864 the LION Coffee Co. was in Toledo where they were in the business of roasting and blending the beans for different flavors. After the beans were roasted they were placed in 1# bags with a LION Trademark, creating their own trademark and sold to grocery stores. The packaged roasted beans were either ground by the store or with an “at home” coffee grinder. Later in 1882 LION Coffee was owned by Woolson Spice Company located on North Summit Street in Toledo. Mr. Alvin Woolson started putting trade cards with each coffee purchase. The advent of improved color printing techniques in the late 1800s allowed the merchant to print an advertising card with an attractive color picture on one side and an ad for the product on the back. The pretty picture was an incentive to buy the product. Mr. Woolson also devise the idea of having the purchaser of Lion Coffee cut out and save the lion’s head logo from the coffee bags and mail a given number of these to the company for a premium. With collectable trade cards and premiums, along with quality coffee, Woolson Spice was roasting a million pounds a week and was by 1895 perhaps the second largest coffee company in the world. The lions head premium idea brought such an overwhelming response, with daily sacks of mail arriving, it nearly bankrupted the company.

The Waterville Historical Society was pleased to have Jimmy Blouch of Littleton, Co. donate his collection of trade cards. They were collected by Fannie Catherine Merifield (1844-1934) of Waterville, Jimmy Blouch’s great-grandmother. We have now put some of the Lion Trade Cards on our PastPerfectOnline site at https://watervillehistory.pastperfectonline.com/Search?search_criteria=Lion&onlyimages=false or come up to the Wakeman Archives to view all of the Lion Trade Cards we have in the collection.

To learn more about the “Amazing Story of Lion coffee” check out the website: https://www.lioncoffee.com/amazing-true-history-lion-coffee/



Memorial Day 2024

May 30, 1966 Howard E. Krause took this picture of the Waterville American Legion Auxiliary Juniors getting ready to march up the hill with the Memorial Day parade. The America Legion participated in the festivals every year. The girls identified are Karen Linn, Kathy Hess, Yvonne Blauvelt and Dorothy Hess, a member of the Waterville American Legion Auxiliary. Can anyone help to identify the others?

The night or so before there would be a great gathering of members at the American Legion hall where freshly cut branches of evergreens would be laid on the table and along with the paper poppies to be made into corsages to be placed later at the cemetery. The next day there would be a procession of cars and marchers from the American Legion Hall on Mechanic Street with the American Legion men in front carrying the flag. They would stop at the bridge where they would place a wreath in the river to honor those unknown or known service members “lost at sea.” Then on along the River Road to Farnsworth Road and up to Wakeman Cemetery followed by the AW band.  Many people followed along walking to the cemetery to hear the devotions and the military salute. At earlier times they stopped at the Civil War Monument to have the service at that location and place a wreath on the monument

Today we continue on to the new American Legion monument that was placed there after the closing of the Waterville American Legion where many will gather to hear a talk by a local person or distinctive person. The Boy Scout Troop 101 will be included in the ceremony. What an impressive site to see the AW band march in from the street as they do every year. The traditional ceremony to honor the dead will be held. Flags have been placed at all of the veterans markers. Our sexton likes to see the flags there year round to keep their memory alive.  People will visit each other after the services and walk the cemetery to see where their loved ones are buried. Today the Whitehouse American Legion puts on the Memorial Day program of remembrance at both the Whitehouse and Wakeman Cemetery beginning at 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. respectively on Monday May 27th.

Sargent House Museum Foundation and Sill Beam Restoration

Restoration work on the 1838 Sargent House Museum revealed how deteriorated the original 8x8-inch sill beams were.  It also revealed the floor joists - logs with the bark still on!   WHS' contractor W.R. Meyers is halfway done removing the old sills and installing new ones.  This project is funded in part by the Ohio History Fund, a grant program of the Ohio History Connection.  Your donations to the Ohio History Fund make this program possible (www.ohiohistory.org/historyfund).  If you would like to support WHS restoration efforts, please visit our website and click on "Join and Give."   Thanks to everyone who donated to the WHS Capital Campaign.  The work you made possible should set the Sargent House up for the next 180 years!  



If you have been following our series on Waterville festivals, you know we are about to celebrate the 50th Roche de Boeuf festival, which to all Waterville folks means the “Rock of Beef” or Buffalo Rock”. The “rock” is an outcrop of erosion resistant limestone that has been in the river since the last glacier melted but is now unique to Waterville and forever a part of our history. If you have seen a photograph of the “rock” before the interurban bridge was built (1907-1908) this big hulking island of limestone can be imagined to look like a buffalo standing in the river. Note: Photos and paintings of the rock can be viewed on our website: www.watervillehistory.org and then click the tab online photos and there will be a link to click on.

Since the European name for this landmark came from the French explorers, we are stuck with a French name which we try to interpret. I have included a previous website article called “The Big Rock” to explain the various interpretations of the name, much of which was borrowed from Midge Campbell’s book “Watervillore”.

“Waterville’s Roche de Boeuf, has many spellings and pronunciations. Some say “Roche de Bout,” many say “Roche de Boeuf” and many of the old timers in the area call it “Rush de Boo.”  The rock was named by French fur traders and the English pronunciation and interpretation is the source of all the confusion. The rock is the limestone rock in the Maumee River near the old Interurban Bridge. When they built the bridge in 1908 they destroyed at least 1/3 of the Rock.  American Indians used it as a place to meet and hold council and met there before the Battle of Fallen Timbers in 1794.  Anthony Wayne camped two nights before the battle near here at Fort Deposit which was on the high bank opposite the rock. At one time an early French village and a cemetery were located at Roche de Boeuf where the stone quarry is today. The earliest recorded birth in what is now Waterville, that of James Knaggs, took place in that little village about 1780. Later Jane (Dilts) Richardson was deeded land on River Tract #39 known as the Roch de Boote farm. She was the widow of Isaac Richardson whose tavern was located on her father’s land. The Roche de Boote/Roche de Bout/Roche de Boeuf Farm was later owned by Elijah Dodd and long referred to as the Dodd Farm. Watervillians seem to prefer Roche de Boeuf and interpret that as Rock of Beef or Buffalo Rock thinking those early French thought it looked like a big buffalo in the river. Historians seem to prefer Roche de Bout, interpreted as Rocky Point.” Check out the historical marker at the trailhead of Farnsworth Park overlooking the “big rock” which was commissioned by W.H.S. and placed there by the Ohio Historical Society.

So it is that we celebrate with many references to the buffalo, as can be seen on the publicity posters. For years buffalo burgers have been sold during the festival. Prior to the 1984 annual Roche de Boeuf Festival Ferd Seipel, a Waterville businessman, found and purchased a 200 lb. plastic replica of a buffalo which was used in many festival parades besides our own to publicize the Roche de Boeuf Festival in 1984 and forward. Today the buffalo resides outside Seipel’s Peddler’s Alley development. We even have our local craft brewery called the Buffalo Rock Brewery. So come to the festival and celebrate the buffalo. Pet the plastic buffalo as you go by, have a buffalo burger and enjoy yourselves at Waterville’s unique Roche de Boeuf Festival.



The festival was named for the large out cropping of rock in the Maumee River. The rock was called Buffalo Rock by the Indians and translated by the French as “Rock of Beef.” The festival salutes the Roche de Boeuf or Rock of the Buffalo.  So people would remember how to spell Boeuf they were taught the rhyme “Buffalo Over Eat Until Full.”

The festival all started at the kitchen table with Gary and Diana Waugh. They along with Kenny and Annabelle Blair decided to add a new event to the Village of Waterville community events.

The First Roche de Boeuf Festival was to be held on the first Saturday after Labor Day, September 7, 1974. It was started by the Jaycees which included Gary Waugh, Don Blewett, Rick Young and Ken Blair as the chairmen and coordinators. Some of the others that helped were Bill Lommatzsch, Alan Porath, Bill Price, Walt Seymour, Dave Myerholtz, Ed Plante, Bill LaRue and Mike Dehner. The festival was supposed to be a day of celebration and merriment in downtown Waterville with singing, dancing, craft booths and a barbeque, etc. with Waterville history tied to the river, canal and railroad, village government and service organizations.  The official costume was to be 1880 to the 1910s. The purpose was to establish a day for Waterville people to get to know each other and their town, and bridge the past with the future. They wanted to establish an annual event different from a carnival type that was happening here and in other towns. Of course it was also a way for the Jaycees to increase membership and have the business community participate. Also much of the money that left town with the carnival would now stay in the community.

The first festival had a bike decorating contest and parade with 30 children participating. They had special rides to Grand Rapids and back on the Bluebird Special, picking up people in a hay wagon and tram ride. They had tours of historical sites in downtown Waterville. At 12 noon a special meeting of the Village Council was held with reading a proclamation honoring Roche de Boeuf Day as an annual event and dedication of a plaque for the Roche de Boeuf Bridge Society. They also announced that the old power plant would be turned over to the Waterville Historical Society for a museum.

Don Lahote of Perrysburg piloted the homemade plane “Breezy” over Waterville and Bernie Steinbaugh parachuted from the plane and landed on his target at Route 24 and 64 at the point where Mechanic Street and AW Trail meet. He was still jumping from the plane in 1990 at the festival. The AW band was unable to play at the first festival so the Perrysburg Band was invited and played.

About 60 people dressed in 1890s attire. They had the sky diver at 1:00 p.m. that landed on his target. The Waterville Playshop put on an old fashion melodrama and the Rhythm Rambler’s, a western square dance group, demonstrated. That was followed by street dancing. There were craft booths on Second and Third Street. It was a big day and lasted all day and into the night. They even had a rock band.

The Roche de Boeuf Mission Statement said it was to be a family affair, promote local business and bring people to Waterville, then to encourage visitors to come back to visit and shop. It looks like they did a good job as we are now celebrating the 50th festival this year and it is bigger and better than anyone could imagine. Only the 47th Annual Festival was canceled due to Covid-19 concerns, adhering to the health department restrictions during the Covid pandemic and the best interest of the community.


Waterville Blossom Festival


History of the Apple Blossom Festival and Waterville Festival

The Apple Blossom Festival was suggested at the Waterville Chamber of Commerce as noted in the Whitehouse Standard on April 29, 1933. This was just coming out of the Depression and the Chamber of Commerce was probably trying to find a way to increase business for the people of Waterville plus it was way to throw dull cares away and celebrating.  Of course people were beginning to travel more and this was a short drive to Waterville to see the apple blossoms and other trees in bloom. This would help get the people back then to buy the apples and other produce. The May 6, 1933 date was selected. Everyone interested in seeing the trees in bloom met at the Waterville school and the Whitehouse Band played. They traveled in the parade from the school house at 1 p.m., in a caravan of trucks and cars lead by the band and the Boy Scouts where they traveled up the river to the Byrum and the Utz Fruit Farm on River Road, then to the Boyer Fruit Farm on Waterville-Neapolis and Schadel Road and finally to the Farnsworth Orchards on Farnsworth Road. At the Farnsworth Orchards they had a program and crowning of the first Blossom Queen, Theresa Walbolt. Her attendants were Merita Witte and Marilyn Baldwin. It was raining at the 1st Festival so the program and dancing was held at the Graf Garage where now Peddler’s Alley is located. They removed the three Model T Ford fire trucks, four yellow school buses and parked them outside so the floor could be cleaned for square and round dancing.

The 2nd year (1934) they had blossom covered floats. The people took a tour of the 500 acre Farnsworth Orchards where most of the proceedings after parade were held. The queen and her attendants were seen dancing under the apple blossoms in 1934.  In 1937 the Waterville Blossom Festival was held on May 8th with parade, floats, bands and the Queens Ball with single admission tickets to the ball at 35 cents and 15 cents for children. Waterville was advertised in a brochure at that time as a city suburb and an agricultural town. It stated that the village owns and operate its own water and electric plants, has three churches, good school system, has a bank, garages, restaurants, barber shop and stores sufficient to care for its needs. The population of Waterville in 1934 was 976. A map was provided so you could travel to see the apple blossoms. The night before the festival three million bees Mr. Farnsworth rented from a man in Shelby County were released to fertilize the apple orchards of the village. The flight of the bees was an annual event at the Farnsworth Farms, usually the night before the Festival. He keeps the bees all summer and the owner come later to take them home.

The last Blossom Festival was 1940 by our records when the festival was discontinued during the war years of WW II.

The first Post War Waterville Festival was held June 1947 and it replaced the old Waterville Blossom Festival and now it was sponsored by the American Legion Post and the Waterville Volunteer Fire Department, dropping the word “Blossom.” They said they wanted to continue to sponsor the festival annually with enough money is raised for building of a community house or building.  It was a four day event ending with an hour long parade on Saturday and later in the evening with square dancing. They had carnival rides all taking place in Waterworks Park, now Conrad Park. It was a fun filled time! It was a money maker for the sponsors. In 1955 there were 12 bands, 6 marching groups, 9 queen candidates and by 1963 there were 30 marching units in the parade. Prizes were given to the bands and floats.

In 1981 they mentioned what they had purchased with festival funds which were a rescue truck and equipment, material for the Village Park Shelter House, Christmas lights, steel grills in the park, flags and poles for street display and flags for the park and local schools, sponsorship of teams and Scout troop.

Author’s Note: We are looking for more information on the Waterville Festival to add to our records. Do you have pictures or information you would like to share?  

P.O. Box 263,  Waterville, OH  43566            watervillehistory@outlook.com

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