Program at the Wakeman Hall on April 16, 2025

Waterville Historical Society

your connection to the past

The Waterville Historical Society collects, preserves, provides access to, interprets and fosters an appreciation of history that has an impact on the Waterville, Ohio and surrounding area.

Watched for the Haunted Waterville Tours in 2025. We are adding more for you to choose from!

Robbins House is located at 114 S River Road, Waterville, OH 43566

 Tour tickets can be rescheduled for a future date and time. Cancellations that are not rescheduled are non refundable. No cancellations or reschedules can be made less than 12 hours prior to the tour.

“SEVERE WEATHER POLICY - Haunted Waterville is a rain or shine event and refunds are not available. The first half of each program occurs inside Robbins House Museum and the trolley is roofed. However, if severe weather prevents a trolley tour from taking place, ticket holders may be offered another tour on another date should tickets be available. Decisions as to cancellation will be made in real time at the event considering current weather conditions and recommendations from the National Weather Service.  If conditions improve, the tour will take place as soon as conditions permit. Each of the five tours for each night will require a separate decision on cancellation. Cancellation or delay of one tour will not necessarily cause cancellation of subsequent tours.  Please plan to attend at the time your tour is scheduled to obtain information about delay or cancellation. Thank you for your support of the Waterville Historical Society and Haunted Waterville Tours.”



P.O. Box 263,  Waterville, OH  43566  

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