Program at the Wakeman Hall on April 16, 2025

Waterville Historical Society

your connection to the past

The Waterville Historical Society collects, preserves, provides access to, interprets and fosters an appreciation of history that has an impact on the Waterville, Ohio and surrounding area.

The Cobbler Shop

This building was moved to WHS museum grounds in 1983.  It stood for many years on the northeast corner of Farnsworth Road and the Second Street alley. George Hazewell "Haze" Haley (1873-1958) was the well-known village shoemaker. 

This 10' by 15' wooden building is packed with a variety of antique tools relating to early “frontier” life, as well as a collection of cobbler tools, most of them with identification labels. There are also photographs of George Haley and of Frank Oede (1823-1895), the first owner of the shop who brought his shoemaker tools with him to America from Germany. The building has been renovated in 2022 by Merle Wilhelm. The photo block below shows the renovated building.

The Cobbler Shop will be open by appointment only. Please contact us through the website.


P.O. Box 263,  Waterville, OH  43566  

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