Waterville Historical Society

your connection to the past

The Waterville Historical Society collects, preserves, provides access to, interprets and fosters an appreciation of history that has an impact on the Waterville, Ohio and surrounding area.

Waterville Historical Society Foundation

The WHSF was created under the umbrellas of the Toledo Community Foundation (TCF) and the Waterville Community Foundation. Our fund is administered and managed by the TCF, but funds are separately invested and may only be used for Waterville Historical Society purposes. Other foundations under the umbrella of the TCF include the Fort Meigs Association, Fallen Timbers Battlefield Preservation Commission, Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center, Hospice of Northwest Ohio, and many more.

The Foundation was created for several reasons. Our financial resources were drawing miniscule interest in local bank savings accounts. The WHSF has provided us with a much larger, yet safe, return on our investment. Toledo Community Foundation investments have shown an exemplary track record. In addition, as WHSF donations are tax deductible, supporters can take advantage of the opportunity to reduce their taxable income while supporting the work of the Waterville Historical Society. Donations can take many forms including checks, stock, and real estate.

We have accomplished many things in our fifty years of existence:

•    We have acquired, restored, and continue to maintain three properties on our historic South River Road campus:  Robbins House (1838), Sargent House (1834), and the Cobbler’s Shop.
•    Members of the Society and community at large rescued Wakeman Hall from destruction when a large pharmacy chain sought to establish a store on its site. The first floor now serves as our headquarters and meeting room. The second is occupied by our Archival and Genealogical Research Center which rivals any in the area. 
•    The Society offers numerous educational opportunities for the entire area. Most programs and activities are free and open to the public. Campus open houses and historic area district walking tours underscore our commitment to inform the greater community. 
•    The River Road campus is a site for the Pioneer Arts activities on Roche de Boeuf Day.  
•    The Society docents have developed a strong working relationship with the Waterville Primary School third grade classes.  Annually the students visit our campus for docent-led presentations and walking tours which foster their understanding of state-mandated benchmarks in local history.

As we enter our second fifty years as a society, we are faced with new challenges requiring sizeable funds.  Our priority list includes but is not limited to:

•    Saving and restoring the Sargent House;
•    Website creation and technological upgrades at Wakeman Hall;
•    Repairing and painting the Robbins House; and
•    Maintaining our other properties, i.e. Wakeman Hall and the Cobbler’s Shop.

With your support we can meet these new challenges and continue to preserve Waterville’s past and improve our delivery of educational, archival and community services!


P.O. Box 263,  Waterville, OH  43566            watervillehistory@outlook.com

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